Current Issue

Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Focus: March Edition

FOCUS: Jurnal of Law

    • FOCUS: Journal of Law is a communication media journal and scientific publication published twice a year by the Faculty of Law, University of 17 August 1945 Cirebon, accepting articles resulting from research in the field of law including: Legal Theory, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Indonesian Law, Philosophy Law, Law State Administration, Criminal Law, International Law, Religious Law, Legal Philosophy and others.
Published: 2024-03-25
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Focus Journal

Focus of the Indonesian Scientific Journal ISSN 2774-5783 is a journal published twice a year by Untag Cirebon Indonesia. Focus will publish scientific articles within the scope of general science. Published articles are articles from research, studies or critical and comprehensive scientific studies regarding reviews of important and current issues or scientific books.

Focus can only be accessed through our official web page, other than this website, it is beyond our responsibility.